Learning The Traditional Catholic Latin Mass 5 Forms
Once a priest hears about or sees sacredness and beauty of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered in the Tridentine Missal, he then begins to want to offer it. The the Fraternity Of St. Peter, (5 day workshop at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton Nebraska, $400) and St. John Cantius, offer training for priests who want to learn how to offer the Latin Mass.
- Low Mass.
- High Mass or Missa Cantata.
- Solemn High Mass.
- Requiem Mass for the dead.
- Pontifical Solemn High Mass.
Low Latin Mass is very difficult learn because of the exact rubrics and the difficulty of offering the whole Mass in Latin. It has some elements that are in common with the New Mass which all priests are familiar with and helps a little to learn the Latin Mass. This Mass can be said alone, (not encouraged), or with one or two altar boys. The simple Low Latin Mass is profound and beautiful in its sacredness and contemplative aspect. At all of the Latin Masses, the laity only receive Holy Communion kneeling and on the tongue.
The Missa Cantata is an extremely beautifully sung Mass. The Latin Mass was meant to be sung. But because of this, it is more difficult to learn. In order to offer this Mass correctly, you need 9 altar boys, a Master of Ceremonies and incense. This Mass is accompanied by an organist, cantor and schola. What makes it difficult for the cantor is that he has to sing the unique propers for that days Mass from the Liber Usualis.

The Requiem Mass is very similar to either the Low Mass or the MIssa Cantata, (sung), with some prayers omitted and others modified to pray for the dead. After the Mass is finished, the priest changes into a cope to pray, bless with Holy Water and incense the coffin. The burial at the grave has long prayers and the grave is blessed with Holy Water and incensed.
The Pontifical Solemn High Mass is with the bishop and takes great direction from a very well trained Master of Ceremonies.
Everyday I offer the Low Mass and usually once a week the Missa Cantata. I still need to keep practicing the Missa Cantata because it is different from what I offer everyday and is much more complicated. Before offering the MIssa Cantata I usually walk quickly through the Mass actions with the altar boys. It is good for them and for me.

Thank you priests for making the sacrifice to learn the Latin Mass. Do not get discouraged.
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